Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Keskustelua Brucen aiemmista keikoista ja muista esiintymisistä
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Mulla on vielä pari vanhaa keikkatarinaa postaamatta, ja nyt mä laitan tänne Tukholman kolmen päivän "festarit". Välipäivän stalkkauksista (se mun vähäinen osuuteni) on parilla sanalla vikan keikkatarinan alussa:

Liisa's Show Review:
Bruce Springsteen at Stockholm Olympic Stadium, Thursday June 4th 2009

Bruce and ESB are on the road again, but should I be happy with just one show in Finland? Definitely no, and so I have got to try to get at least one ticket to Stockholm as well. Or two. Wait, there is a third show too, and as I fly over there anyway, let's do all three shows. Otherwise I'd be pissed afterwards just like last year, when I saw just the 1st show in Gothenburg.

So, off to the airport early Thursday morning and hey, that's Ramrod from our Finnish fan forum who is sitting next to me. We chat happily all the way and when landing Arlanda, I spot Bruce's airplane in the middle of the field. Poor Ramrod, it isn't too easy to sit by the window when someone like me tries to jump over him while still wearing seat belts, pointing with her finger and shouting!

The hotel turns out to be quite a dump, but what you can expect when it was so cheap? Never mind, off to the stadium to get a line number for tonight. It's about 8:30 am when I'm there, it is raining and I'm number 320. Okay, not bad as that'll guarantee me a decent place in the pit quite close to the stage. Ramrod turns up little later and he gets number 332. Next roll call at 9 am and then at 11 am, so we have a little brunch and get back to the line. After next roll call we have lunch.

Afternoon goes on and we stay mostly in the line. We manage to meet some other Finns, and many people are easy to recognize due to our blue and black fan forum t-shirts. The line is very international. The girls in front of me speak German, and there's an Italian family behind me, both parents and all kids have Outlaw Pete hats. Swedes, Norwegians, Finns and Danes can be found in front of and behind these folks. There's a very nice pair of older English ladies too and I talk a lot with them. When I tell that I would marry my daughter to Jay, they tell that their granddaughters would be more suitable for that than their daughters. Did I mention that it is still raining and it is quite cold?

Soundcheck! At Tampere there was none as the band arrived so late, but now they are playing Who'll Stop The Rain - hey wow! All the line joins the chorus as we try to keep warm. They do also My Lucky Day. Not possible to sit in the line, we have to stand as the ground is so wet.

Finally we get our red wristbands and get in. As the entrance is on Soozie's side, I go to Clarence's side as I know I will get closer to the stage there and I'm in third line now. No sitting in the pit either due to damp ground, although I really have to rest my legs somehow and finally I sit for about half an hour although everybody else is standing. And the rain keeps falling.

A-ha, now the crew has finally fixed the leaking stage roof and start climbing to the lights and taking the instruments out. The young tech guy who was slow and might have screwed something with lights at Tampere is made to wipe the floors now and he tries to dry the stage. There's really quite a lot water on it, and more keeps coming down. Luckily I have my leather jacket and raincoat, so I'm not actually cold unlike most others.

Now, now there's Nils! And an accordion! He's playing some traditional Swedish tune which I don't know while the rest of the band take their places. Then they are ready and start with Who'll Stop The Rain, YES! I love this, I've always wanted to hear ESB do a CCR cover and I have wanted to see a show on a rainy day so that they might play just this one. The rain doesn't stop anyway, but the show is on! After Badlands we get My Lucky Day, which wasn't played at Tampere. Oh, I'm happy because I've thought that this would work nicely live. And just like I have though Bruce and Steve are sharing the mic.

Then the setlist goes on much like it did at Tampere (Prove It All Night, Outlaw Pete, Out In The Street, Working On A Dream, Seeds, Johnny 99, The Ghost of Tom Joad) but that doesn't matter, I wanted to hear all those songs for another time. Outlaw Pete is a good live song and the audience just loves it, black hat and all. Johnny 99 is still as rocking, this is a real dance tune and I have enough room to actually dance, just like at Tampere. No pressure on this side of the pit. This is my 5th show ever, and now I really feel that I could dance to some of these songs instead of just standing and staring at Bruce all the time. Does that mean that I've seen too many shows? Nah, can't be. I just enjoy moving to the music. GA is the way to go for me, I'll leave the seats to other folks.

Raise Your Hand means that we take our signs out and I've brought my Pink Cadillac drawing here too. I've managed to protect it from the rain (yes, it is still coming down) with a disposable raincoat but still Bruce isn't interested in it. He sure saw it, as he picked another request (River, I think) just next to me and so I put my pink cardboard down and decide not to take it with me tomorrow any more.

What we are going to get now, this is interesting! I'm Goin' Down is the first one, cool! Not one of my favourites but a nice tune anyway. The request paper is so big and flexible that it doesn't stand on its own, and so Bruce calls someone to help to hold it up - and tell that this little smiling boy is Clarence's son. And then they do Cadillac Ranch. Now my Caddy request plate kind of got a song as any Cadillac song would do for me, and I even take my cardboard up again for a little while and rock it to the music. Because The Night was already played at Tampere but never mind, it is a good song anyway and I love to hear it again. Hey, Bruce takes still another plate up and the band goes into Wild Thing. Groovy!

Waitin' On A Sunny Day is a happy singalong in this weather (no, the rain hasn't stopped) and The Promised Land always wakes up the part of the crowd which prefers older songs. Then a slow one, what is this? The Wrestler! Nice, I got to hear it too! Then Bruce gives her greetings to Patti and sings Kingdom of Days. 5 songs from the WOAD, I like that.

We have still Lonesome Day, The Rising and Born To Run before the encore, which starts with Hard Times like always. Then come Bobby Jean, Land Of Hope And Dreams and American Land just like on Tuesday - except that we have now THREE accordion players on the stage instead of the normal two, as Max's daughter Amy is here too and joins the band during this song.

In the latter part of American Land Bruce jumps to the lower part of the stage, slips and falls to his butt and then goes down all the way. And lies totally still on his back on the wet stage. Oh shit, the fall didn't look like he hit his head, but did he hurt himself badly or is he unconscious? Everybody just stares at him for a full second, and then Nils runs to him. But just as Nils reaches Bruce, he gets up smiling and continues American Land.

He seems to be moving ok, but that was still quite a fall. Was he just fooling when he was lying there, did he knock air out from his lungs or did he try to figure out how badly he was hurt? Or did he just think "Oh, crap, I hope that nobody saw that"? When the band returns to the upper stage from the catwalk, Bruce doesn't manage to do the last jump at the first try and Curtis is there immediately giving his hand. But Bruce waves him away and jumps up on his own with another try. Anyway, I guess that that fall might hurt some.

After American Land Clarence, Steve and Bruce fool again in the middle of the stage arguing if they can do another one or should end the show there. The normal arguments include stuff like it's late, it's dark and it's sleeping time, and now Bruce has new arguments to add: he has busted his ass and broken his hip. Anyway they continue with Glory Days and then the Swedes get their very own favourite: Twist And Shout and then the show is over.

I watch the band leave the stage and the tech guys start to tear stuff down. I turn my back to the stage and after I've walked a few steps, a small thing lands just beside me. What's that - oh, it's a guitar pick! Who dropped it? Nobody else notices it, so I pick it up. A white one with a blue dot in its middle and rough parts for getting a good grip. It is quite big and very thick, could this be a bass pick? Next day experts tell me that it is Bruce's pick, and the roadies normally throw the unused ones to the crowd after the show. Now I have one, cool!
My legs are totally busted due to standing nearly nonstop since morning, and when I walk in the rain back to my hotel, I don't do much better than Clarence. My arms don't seem to raise too high anymore either. How on earth I'm gonna stand tomorrow and wave? I write some notes down before hitting the hay and I decide to try to get up early tomorrow to get another good number for the next show. Good night, let's see what tomorrow will give us.

Set list

Intro: Idas Sommarvisa
1. Who'll Stop The Rain?
2. Badlands
3. My Lucky Day
4. Prove It All Night
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Out In The Street
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. The Ghost Of Tom Joad
11. Raise Your Hand
12. I'm Goin' Down
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Because The Night
15. Wild Thing
16. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
17. The Promised Land
18. The Wrestler
19. Kingdom of Days
20. Lonesome Day
21. The Rising
22. Born To Run

23. Hard Times
24. Bobby Jean
25. Land of Hope and Dreams
26. American Land
27. Glory Days
28. Twist and Shout
29. Dancing In The Dark

29 songs. Better show than at Tampere, I think, but not a perfect show and certainly not even close to Helsinki 2008. Basic setlist was the same, but I heard 7 tunes which were not played at Tampere, including 2 more songs from WOAD. No huge surprises like that The Dark End of the Street this time, but a nice setlist anyway. Show highlights to me were all the singalongs, as Swedes sing so nicely, strong Seeds and rocking Johnny 99.
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Liisa's Show Review:
Bruce Springsteen at Stockholm Olympic Stadium, Friday June 5th 2009

Just when Nils says in that interview that he has been in The ESB for 23 years now, I wake up. Dang, my dreams are having details all wrong! As it is just 2:30 am, I go back to sleep but wake up again at 5 am. Okay, time to get up and walk to the stadium to get a new number for today. It is still raining a little, but the weather doesn't look bad. Forecast promises mostly no rain and a degree or two more than yesterday, when it was really chilly.

It takes a while before I find the line from the forest behind the stadium (they are not allowed to be on the street in front of the stadium before 7 am) and they are just doing a roll call. I join the line and after the roll call ends, I get number 172 on my hand. Cool, much better than yesterday! I am guaranteed to get to the 2nd line from the stage nearly anywhere except by the middle catwalk.

Next roll call is at 10 am, so I walk back to hotel to draw a new request plate. I have still another piece of pink cardboard and a Swedish paper said that it is Bruce's and Patti's 18th anniversary today, so this is a no brainer. Pink + Patti + a love song definitely equals to Pretty Flamingo.

I manage to get some shut eye before heading back to stadium, and I meet my room mate Merja there. She has just arrived to Sweden and came first here to get her number. Uh oh, the roll call gues say that today we shouldn't leave the line at all after this except to go to bathroom - and guess who forget her ticket to hotel? Merja has also to get her luggage there and check in, so we leave the line after that roll call and walk that 20 min to the hotel.

Luckily it doesn't rain any more, but those clouds don't look too good. It isn't any warmer than yesterday, and now it's also windy and so the weather feels even colder. I've better take my raincoat again with me. We change clothes, leave all the stuff we are not going to need today to the hotel and buy some food and drink on our way back to the line.

The day goes on much like yesterday, except that now it is easier to sit, the ground isn't wet but just little damp and there are ponds here and there on the sidewalk. After all we were able to leave the line today too, but more people are hanging around than yesterday. There is little rain every now and then, but it isn't that bad. And people are dressed more heavily than yesterday.

Soundcheck time! I don't recognize the first tune until that nice Danish guy in blue jacket says that it is Good Lovin'. He is Morten, and we continue to listen to the soundcheck together. Downbound Train, yes! Oh wow, Queen of the Supermarket! Surprise, Surprise, no way! Seven Nights To Rock! And this sounds familiar too, wait a minute, it is the intro of Land Of 1000 Dances, way cool! Then it is the intro of Land Of 1000 Dances INTO Devil With The Blue Dress a couple of times. This has to mean that they might be doing Detroit Medley which starts with a snippet Lo1000D. Morten and I smile, this promises a good show tonight!

Green wristbands are dealed out, we walk through the security check and then inside to the stadium. Let's see, I saw the two first shows from Clarence's side and so it is time to me to go to the other side. Being close to a catwalk would be nice, as Bruce doesn't come to the fences at all on this tour, just to the catwalks. Hmm, those people leaning to the catwalk on Soozie's side are not that tall so I decide to stand behind them.

When there are 3 or 4 lines of people and more are arriving, the British couple in front of me decides to sit down and we all do that. We form a group of 6 or so people and we tell each others all kinds of funny stories from previous shows during the next 2 hours. Most other people stand up quite early, but we just sit nearly until the camera guys come to the stage. I love to rest my feet, I feel much better than yesterday when I was quite tired already before the show started.

The camera lady on the right side of the stage smiles to the audience and people cheer and raise hands. Then she takes her own little camera out, points it to the crowd and waves a little. Everybody start cheering and waving wildly at her as she pans the audience in front of her and finally turns the camera to her own face, says something and closes it. Probably something like "Look Mom, Bruce isn't yet on stage and these crazy Swedes are doing that all for ME!"

Tonight an older tech guy does the drying of the floors and he checks carefully all the stage levels and ramps to make sure that there are no slippery spots tonight. We wonder what happened to that poor guy who did the sweeping last night when Bruce fell, is he made to take out the trash tonight?

That's Nils and his accordion and again he plays that Swedish tune. Some people sing along tonight, and the band takes their places. Ah, the first song is Downbound Train, like we guessed! I love it and I'm so happy that I hear it tonight. All it ever does in that carwash is rain, but luckily it has now stopped here and when looking at the sky it seems that we are not getting any more tonight.

Badlands is a strong singalong, and My Lucky Day is treated like any old hit, people cheer, jump and raise their hands high! This is slightly boring on the album, but it works fine in a show. Then oh, this is Candy's Room and many people in the pit go totally wild. Outlaw Pete sounds so good, the audience loves it and Finns (Taapsa and Rane) behind me raise their blue fan forum t-shirts high during every Can you hear me? part. I guess I keep my shirt on as I don't have more than bra under it, but at least I open my coat and stretch the shirt front so that the text is visible.

Pete is followed by Darlington County, oh how fun! Bruce and Nils come to my catwalk and uh, people are really crowding and pressing now. Tight, but never mind. I'm big and not too fragile. Working On A Dream makes everybody raise our hands and wave. When you raise your hands tonight, you can't actually get them back down due to the dense crowd but who cares, now we just sing along and sway.

Seeds is good tonight too, and during Johnny 99 there is absolutely no room to dance. Ok, we jump up and down then. During this song I'm pressed tightly to the back of the guy in front of me and another guy is pressed to my back and we all pump up and down in the same rhytm. Well, didn't Bruce promise in his WOAD rap to build a house of sexual healing? One more song before collecting requests but hey, this intro doesn't sound exactly like TGOTJ and sure, this is actually Youngstown! Cool. I really loved to hear the Morello-ish version of TGOTJ, but Youngstown is better. It was one of the highlights of Helsinki show last summer and it is good here tonight.

And then it is time for the request collecting, the band should start Raise Your Hand but this sure isn't it. Anyway, Bruce doesn't have a guitar now and goes to the front of the stage so this has to be the sign time after all. My Pretty Flamingo cardboard is still pinned to my fanny bag belt and nearly intact, and I take it and raise it high. Nope, not a glance to my direction. The request collecting is over and the song turns out to be Good Lovin'. Yeah, it was a really good idea to see several shows in one city as there is so much variation in the set list now!

First request is Hungry Heart and then oh oh, we get Growin' Up! Gee wow, I really love to hear it. Bruce also has also collected plates saying "How's Your Ass Tonight?" and "Your Ass Looks Good" and he assures us that his ass is indeed ok.

What could be the third request song, oh what does that big paper say, now Bruce turns it over and it is E Street Shuffle! Crowd goes wild! But when he shows it to Jay and Steve, they seem to decide that Jay can't do it yet and Bruce picks up Thunder Road sign instead. Well ok, I love this song too but Shuffle would have been great. But this might mean that some other European city is going to witness Shuffle. During Thunder Road's guitar part Bruce and Steven go to the opposite ends of the stage and run back to the middle stage at the same time. Or at least they were supposed to do that, Steve was little late but anyway he was running again!

Still one more request? That's a small paper, no it's actually some kind of paper hat, and it says Queen Of The Supermarket. Band starts the song and Bruce runs to a little kid and places the hat to her head before starting to sing. What a fun song, and they do it so nicely. When following the setlists I had already said goodbye to hopes of hearing this ever live. I'm so lucky to be here tonight, swaying and singing with this crowd.

Waitin' On A Sunny Day is another crowd pleaser and singalong again, just like The Promised Land. And then still another request, Lost In The Flood. We just stare and listen in awe as Jimmy the Saint drives to his destiny and that poor Spanish-speaking kid gets shot in the street. Just. Like. Wow. This is one helluva show.

Crowd really roars as the song ends, and the band goes straight into Radio Nowhere and everybody goes just totally wild. This is a new song, but it gets people moving even better than any of the old classics. I join again that jumping up and down and I too scream is there anybody alive out there with all these loud Swedes. Who said that old Bruce can't write hit songs any more? And that kiddo sure can beat those drums.

Lonesome Day and The Rising allow us to breathe a little - but not too much, everybody has naturally to sing along. And Born To Run means that we have to shout as loud as we can and raise our hands high.

Encore starts with Hard Times, and it sounds once again so good. Love this. Then it is time for 10th Avenue Freeze-Out, with full Super Bowl coreography with that one-two-knees down-four-hanging from the mic stand, YES! It's so fun when Bruce and the Big Man wave together during that part when all the little pretties are supposed to raise their hands. We big uglies have had our hands in the air already for a while!

Land Of Hope And Dreams starts and the couple in front of me leaves giving me the possibility to go to the front line. They might have left to get better line number for the Sunday show, but how on earth can anybody leave like this during encores? No matter if they will be mostly songs played in other shows already, I'm going to stay here for sure, especially as now I have my elbows on the stage itself! Ok, this is just the right catwalk and Bruce isn't going to come here any more, but there is nobody between me and the stage, oh how lucky I am! Besides, I already managed to pat Bruce's leg when he came here during one of the earlier songs. Can't remember which song, but I sure do remember how strong his thigh feels under those moist jeans...

Now we are into American Land, and I think that the middle catwalk is arranged a little different than earlier. There seems to be stairs straight to it, no more high jumps up and down but more just walking nicely. After American Land Clarence, Steve and Bruce once again gather to the middle of the stage to decide if they should continue. This time the decision comes quickly, Bruce points at the moon and says that it is a sign that they have to go on with Glory Days. Boss time!

And then straight to Devil With The Blue Dress. I scream (how on earth can I make any sound at this time of the night) as this means I'm getting my very first Detroit Medley ever! It's little hard to dance when the metal edge of the catwalk is pressing my chest but who cares about such minor details? When I see the camera lady Kim point her camera straight to me, I try to dance even more fiercely, wave my hands and sing along. I even remember to open my coat a little more so that my shirt would be more visible. (And sure, next morning during the breakfast a Swede told me that he saw me a couple of times on the big screen previous night.) There's a long part of Land Of 1000 Dances in the middle of the medley, and we all shout that naa-na-na-na-naa as loud as we can.

The show ends with Dancing In The Dark. I'm soaking wet under my too heavy jacket and I walk slowly outside to meet my roommate Merja, who has been somewhere in the pit too. Hey, my legs are not nearly as bad now as yesterday, that sitting sure helped! And I still can speak about normally, voice is not gone! How's that possible with all that singing and shouting?

What a superb show, this was so good! No Kingdom of Days this time, no greetings to Patti like yesterday but we got QotS, another song from WOAD.

Only minor fault to me was that DitD was the last song; I think it would have worked better if Bruce had switched the two last songs so that Detroit would have been the last. Is there any way that Sunday would be still better? Hardly, as Clarence was now sitting for nearly all of the show and Bruce was perhaps moving a little stiffer. Saturday is a free day for the band, but do they have enough time to rest before the next show? But hey, I have now seen Detroit Medley live (and what a medley it was!) and I can (again) die happily!

Set List

Start time 8:15 pm

Intro: Idas Sommarvisa
1. Downbound Train
2. Badlands
3. My Lucky Day
4. Candy's Room
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Darlington County
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. Youngstown
11. Good Lovin'
12. Hungry Heart
13. Growin' Up
14. Thunder Road
15. Queen Of The Supermarket
16. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
17. The Promised Land
18. Lost In The Flood
19. Radio Nowhere
20. Lonesome Day
21. The Rising
22. Born To Run
23. Hard Times
24. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
25. Land Of Hope And Dreams
26. American Land
27. Glory Days
28. Detroit Medley/Land Of 1000 Dances
29. Dancing In The Dark

End time 11:10 pm
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Liisa's Show Review:
Bruce Springsteen at Stockholm Olympic Stadium, Sunday June 7th 2009

Saturday was a free day for us fans and for the band. In the late afternoon we had a meeting of Finnish fans: 28 of us were gathered together, and many more didn't come to that meeting. After a beer or two some of us get the brilliant idea to get our pit line numbers already in the evening! So we go to the stadium and there are LOTS of people in the forest behind it. Now I'm number 202.

And then we got another brilliant idea and went to have more beer in the Grand Hotel, where ESB is staying. (Beer was expensive. Saw Clarence and Steven. Didn't even try to get close to them. Was not thrown out from there. Bathroom had marble floor and golden door knobs. Yeah, I know that we were idiots.)

Next roll call is at 11 pm, and most of my friends doesn't bother to go back there. They decide to have more beer instead, and come back to line only at noon or so next day. My buddy Ooke and I do both 11 pm and 1 am roll calls, and I manage to sleep few hours in my bed before 6 am roll call. We stay in the forest after that because we march in line to the stadium gates little before 7 am and now we are again back where the line will stay for this day.

Morten from Denmark is in the line again, and he doesn't have any place where to put his luggage for this day as he doesn't have a hotel room. So I take them to my room and we decide to meet after the show so he can come to my hotel and pick them up. Poor Morten has gotten a bad cold for sleeping outdoors.

Now I've walked to the hotel and back so many times that my legs are already very tired, and after 9 am roll call I don't bother to go back there to try get little sleep. I just spread a newspaper on the pavement, put another over my face and sleep right there. I wake up only when some of my Finnish friends (Laukku and JG) ask me to go eat some pizza before next roll call at 12.

This day is quite warm (or at least not chilly), no rain and the sun shows up every now and then. A good day to spend in the line. There is an election today in Sweden, and many advertisements for politicians are torn down and turned into request plates. Numerous advertisements for music festivals and other shows get the same treatment, and my thick ink pen gets lots of action as most people don't have suitable pens in the line. It helped to finish two Italian requests and at least one Swedish one, and I also write Fun, Fun, Fun (or actually "She'll have Fun, Fun, Fun - and I'll have fun too") on a small piece of paper.

Many people have copies of Expressen and Aftonbladet, the two Swedish evening papers, and as they have Bruce articles, we read them and swap them with each others. I solve some sudokus too. Some time during the day the front part of the line is driven into pens of just 18 people to prevent any rush when the security gates open. We were the "Neil Young pen" due to the big show ad just over our part of the line. Luckily we were still able to leave the pen, if we wanted.

Lots of people have missed the roll calls during the night, so that there are dozens of people who have been crossed over from the line list. Some try to re-enter the line during the day, but most of them agree to go to the end of the line and get a new number. Right behind me in the line is Chris from UK, who is 209 but all the numbers 203-208 are now missing. My friend Ooke is in the line nearly 50 numbers ahead of me, but now there are just 20-30 people between us two.

Soundcheck: Boom Boom, yes right! What is this one - oh, Fade Away! Beautiful, and they also practise a rap to go with it with some drumbeats. Then something which I at first think might be When A Man Loves A Woman, but it is Back In Your Arms Again. Oh, heavenly! Curtis and Cindy can shine in that. Then they do again Surprise, Surprise which was soundchecked but not played on Friday.

Finally we get our pink wristbands and now I have 4 different bands on my arm as I didn't want to take the previous ones away yet. Security check goes nicely and in we go. Hmm, I could easily get exactly the same spot at catwalk where I was on Friday, but I'll think I prefer fence this time. Oh, Ooke is there in front of Soozie and I join him. We see some Finns go close to middle catwalk and some stand a few lines behind Ooke and me.

At first we sit down and decide that it would be nice to sit until the show starts. But no, there is a weird rush at 6:30 PM and people really run to the stage. We all have to stand up quickly to avoid getting trampled. So we have to wait on our poor feet until the show starts, no other options any more. Well, at least the weather is nice although it isn't that warm.

Starting time! Nils is there again with his accordion, and somebody just behind me raises a plate saying in Swedish that everybody should sing along. We foreigners don't know the words, but we join anyway. First it looks like Clarence is not going to enter the stage at all as Bruce comes alone, but he finally comes from another end of the stage (via elevator, I guess) and slowly goes to his place and then it is No Surrender, yes right! The big screen behind the band goes alive and there is a collection of band photos from early 1970's to Magic tour, how lovely! I just stare at them with tears in my eyes.

Badlands is followed by Night, My Lucky Day and Outlaw Pete. Nice start, the audience is naturally very excited and takes part so actively. Then a mark to Jay, some heavy drum beats and Bruce shouts "Can you feel the spirit tonight?" Oh no, they are doing Spirit In The Night and I'm not at the catwalks! (Hey c'mon, you're an adult woman and you touched Bruce already on Friday. Just enjoy the show now, idjit.)

Bruce leans to his mic stand, screams and falls down his back to the stand so that all his picks fly here and there. Then he just sits and stares for a while, Looks scary, but luckily I know that he has done this same in some shows last year, it is just acting and he's not fainting or anything. Finally het gets slowly up (was that acting? or is he still stiff from that fall on Thursday?) and starts to sing. He comes to the catwalk, kneels there, touches people and let them touch him. Nearly like last summer.

After Spirit we get the normal trio of Working On A Dream (look at all those hands in the air!), Seeds and Johnny 99. No room to dance it properly but the whole 2nd line sways from side to side in unison, shoulders pressed to each others. We sway in such a broad arc that I hope that nobody falls down. Kinda cool feeling! Tonight we also manage to start the train thing well before Bruce calls for it, whoo-whoo!

What is this song Bruce starts now? Oh, The River! This is the song I needed most after hearing Thunder Road at Tampere, and now it is on the setlist. So beautiful, so sad. My cheeks are totally wet and especially the ending is so heavenly with that perfect falsetto part. This is so good, oh this is so good. Never mind the previous shows after which I promised to die happily, only NOW I can do that!

Jay keeps on drumming and Bruce starts to collect request now. My Fun, Fun, Fun isn't taken but never mind, I'm sure we get some really cool ones tonight. And yep, the first one is Mony Mony! Not a big surprise on this tour as it has been already played a couple of times, but it is so funny and rocking! Audience is shouting and all hands are in the air. Trapped has also been played earlier, but not in Europe. Good, good! And then that Fade Away, which was rehearsed in the soundcheck. Bruce does some parts of it on his knees and he tells a story with it. The old storytelling Bruce is back. And I got tears again running down my cheeks.

Now Bruce picks up still a fourth request. That's not a plate, it is big packet wrapped in red tape and on one side it says Surprise, Surprise in big letters. They really perform it today, way to go! It's so fun and in the end Nils, Steven and Soozie sing sing so perfectly their "Let your love shine down" parts. I'm so happy that I heard this song, too.

Then we get Waiting On A Sunny Day (could our line really sway even in wider arc than in Johnny 99? Oh yes, no problems at all) and The Promised Land. A roadie takes a mic stand to the center catwalk, and Bruce performs Working On A Highway while standing there. Then again Jay's speciality, a really rocking Radio Nowhere. Jay, I totally forgive you for not being able to play E Street Shuffle yet! Lonesome Day, The Rising and Born To Run end the main set, and the audience really put all their effort to make that last one as loud as possible.

Encore starts. No Hard Times (I would have liked to hear it still one more time) but Thunder Road, and again the audience does sing so strongly. Then the next song is Jungleland, oh this can't be happening. Big Man starts his long solo part and if I was crying earlier, now I'm totally loosing it and bawling without any control. (Dang, it is even hard to write this as my eyes get moist again.) And I'm not the only one. the Italian man next to me is wiping his eyes and patting the shoulder of a young Swedish guy, who is also crying his eyes out and smiling at the same time. Big Man looks so fragile. How many more Junglelands he still has in him after this? (And who cares about that River anymore, THIS was the song to die for!)

Back to our scheduled program after this nearly too emotional break. Land Of Hope And Dreams sounds better than earlier and we wipe our eyes still during it. During American Land Jay's sister Amy is again on the stage playing accordion. The show isn't stopping yet, because this is time for Ramrod! Yes, we needed to have some fun now. Many heads in the pit (including mine) actually turn to look at them non-visible Stockholm lights (not just "city lights" tonight) when Bruce points them to Steve. Our line has gotten loose enough for dancing and ramrodding - sorry guys next and behind me, I know that I ruined so many of your photos by pushing you or waving my hands in front of your cameras, but you know I am not that good in controlling myself during a show like this.

Dancing In The Dark means jumping up and down very hard tonight, and for some reason my legs have no problem to do that right now. They'll tell me later that this isn't a good idea, but now they just obey me. And then, Bruce shows us one request saying "Stadium Breaker" and another saying "Break Stadiums, Not Asses" and the band goes into Twist And Shout - with Samba La Bamba inserted tonight. Yes, fine! Luckily this ancient Olympic Stadium is so low and so strong that it doesn't break down. But this is the way to end a show, at least here in Sweden.

Outside I try to find Morten and people ask me about my numerous wristbands. Oh, there's Morten! I hug him because of that Jungleland (he has that very bad flu, but now I don't care if I get it too) and we go to my hotel to get his bag. We walk very slowly as both of us have hurting legs. After Morten gets his bag I go to bed but Merja and I still lie there for a while awake and talk about the show.

Next morning we go early to the airport, which is a good choice as we run into so many Finns there and really could share our experiences from these four days and three shows (or just one or two shows for some people). I am back home 5:15 pm Finnish time.

Set list

Intro: Idas Sommarvisa
1. No Surrender
2. Badlands
3. Night
4. My Lucky Day
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. The River
11. Mony Mony
12. Trapped
13. Fade Away
14. Surprise, Surprise
15. Waiting On A Sunny Day
16. The Promised Land
17. Working On The Highway
18. Radio Nowhere
19. Lonesome Day
20. The Rising
21. Born To Run
22. Thunder Road
23. Jungleland
24. Land Of Hope And Dreams
25. American Land
26. Ramrod
27. Dancing In The Dark
28. Twist And Shout/Samba La Bamba

A very good show, about the same level as Friday show. This show had these ossom highlights The River, Fade Away and Jungleland, but especially after that last one there were no high rises any more and the Twist And Shout ending was even slightly lazy this night. Friday didn't have such highlights, but the intensity of the show built up all the way until that super fun Detroit Medley.

I really think it was a very good idea to get tickets to all three Stockholm shows. It was physically hard so soon after Tampere, but I managed to do it without problems even in my age and with all this extra weight I'm carrying. Some of it is missing now, as I had only one dinner during these 6 days (Tuesday to Sunday) and spent so much time either dancing wildly or walking between hotel, stadium and the city center. Actually my I had to raise my pants several times during that Sunday show as I didn't have a belt! "Loosing a couple of pounds with Bruce in six days" diet...

Luckily I have still Frankfurt show waiting for me after 4 weeks or so. See ya all there!
Mr. Collector
Viestit: 5436
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 14:38

Re: Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Viesti Kirjoittaja jjvirta »

Kaikki kolme päivää putkeen.

Torstai 4.6.2009 Stockholm, Stadion

Punaisella laivalla keskiviikkoiltana kohti Tukholmaa. Laivan saavuttua perille päätimme lähteä käymään stadionilla ja keskustan läpiajo sujui joutuisasti aamuvarhaisella. Olimme perillä noin klo 7.10 ja sain jonotusnumeron 262. Jonossa hieman edempänä olivat Samuli ja Ooke, jotka olivat saapuneet aamun valkoisella laivalla ja saaneet pienen ”etumatkan”, koskapa Siljan terminaaliin oli matkaa vain reilu kilometri. Jonottamassa oli myös Kurjen Lassi kavereineen.

Ensimmäinen numeronhuuto oli klo 8, jonka jälkeen käymään retkeilymajalla. Stadionille palasin klo 11 nimenhuutoon. Vielä kerran palasin retkeilymajalle ja sieltä saman tien takaisin takaisin stadionille käyden läheisessä 7-11ssä hakemassa vähän syötävää. Nyt oli alkanut sataa hieman, joten kertakäyttösadetakille oli käyttöä. Puolen päivän jälkeen jäin roikkumaan stadionille. Noin klo 15 300 ensimmäistä jonottajaa laitettiin numerojärjestykseen 6 rinnakkain jonoon. Tapsa oli vielä majapaikassaan, mutta lupasi tarjota oluen, jos sanoisin hänen olevan kusella jonoa muodostettaessa. Jono pistettiin kasaan ja Tapsa oli ”kusella”. Saapuessaan paikalle hänen onnistui saada numeronsa osoittaman paikka jonossa.

Joskus klo 15.30 aikoihin jaettiin rannekkeet, päivän väri oli punainen. Klo 16.48 alkoi soundcheck, eikä ekana tsekattu biisi ollut mikään suuri yllätys : Who’ll Stop The Rain. Toisena biisinä oli My Lucky Day ja soundcheck oli ohi klo 17.10.

Jonossa seistessämme ja rannekkeet saatuamme huomasin maassa tyhjän rannekelaatikon. Alun perin tarkoituksena oli katsoa, oliko siinä jotain tietoja rannekkeiden varmistajasta, mutta sitten tulikin mieleen toivekyltin teko. Tapsa teki ”Up On The Roof” –kyltin, itse tein Jaylle viestin, jossa pyysin rumpukapuloita Niilolle. Viime kesänä Niilo sai keikan jälkeen Maxin rumpukapulat, kun roudari toi ne hänelle. Tämän jälkeen Niilo on soitellut kapuloilla sängyssään polvillaan istuen, aluksi kapula vain toisessa kädessään, mutta nyt pysyy kapula jo molemmissa käsissä ja hän jaksaa heilua useita kymmeniä minuutteja putkeen, välillä pitää kyllä auttaa kapula käteen. Käytössä tosin EI OLE Maxin kapulat, vaan jotkut vanhat kotoa löytyneet.

Kun Jayn tuurauskeikka varmistui ja löysin hänen Myspace –sivuiltaan sähköpostiosoitteen, lähetin hänelle emailin ja kerroin kapuloiden tarinan ja kuinka ne olivat innostaneet Niiloa. Jay vastasi postiini ja sanoi antavansa kapulat Niilolle mielihyvin Tampereella, jos tekisimme kyltin tms. Tampereella olimme lavan väärällä puoliskolla eli Clarencen puolella, jonne hän ei paljoa katsellut eikä siten nähnyt viestiämme. Nyt päätin yrittää uudelleen, sillä kapuloista saisin Niilolle hienon 11-vuotissynttärilahjan, joita hän vietti juuri Tukholman ekan keikan aikaan.

Noin puoli kuusi olin viimein pitissä, toisessa rivissä Soozien edessä ja nyt oli enää noin 2,5 tuntia aikaa kulutettavaksi ja vettä satoi edelleen. Muutamia tekstiviestejä ja puheluja aikani kuluksi tehtyäni edessäni oleva ruotsalainen kysyy suomeksi : ”Oletko suomalainen?” Hän itse oli 30 vuotta Ruotsissa asunut suomalainen, joka puhui vielä suomea. Hänellä ja kaverillaan oli numerot 36 ja 37, he olivat tulleet jonoon keikka edeltävänä lauantaina !!!!!!!
Heillä oli jotain pientä kärhämää italialaisten kanssa ja nyt he halusivat vähän näpäyttää heitä ja he sanoivat päästävänsä minut keikan alussa väliinsä eturiviin. No sehän sopi minulle, kiitokset Kenneth ja Rainer. Ja sade sen kun jatkui…

Viimein klo 20.06 alkaa tapahtua ja Nils astuu lavalle haitarinsa kanssa ja soitaa Idas Sommarvisan ja Bruce raahaa jostain lavalle kyltin, jossa luki ”Don’t never ever ever play outside in Sweden before Midsummer”. Ekana varsinaisena biisinä kuullaan yllätyksettömästi, mutta aiheeseen mainiosti sopivasti Who’ll Stop The Rain ja Tukholman Stadion on valmis rokkaamaan. Valitettavasti biisi ei täysin tehos vaan vettä sataa ja on kylmä. Badlandsin tahtiin yritetään pysyä vähän lämpimänä eikä ääntä säästellä. Expressenin videopätkässä
http://www.expressen.tv/noje/musiksomma ... gsteen-med" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
ajassa 2.22 näette osan meikäläisen laulusuorituksesta biisin aikana ;-)

Jatkona My Lucky Day, ihan toimiva uuden levyn biisi, jota ei ole soitettu sitten kiertueen alun keikkojen. Biisi on mukavan letkeä uptempo biisi, lopun fonisoolossa Clarencella joitain vaikeuksia. Prove It All Night on aina mukava kuulla livenä, kuten nytkin. Livenä Outlaw Pete kasvaa kerta kerralta, ollen erittäin toimiva uuden levyn biisi. Seuraavina Out In The Street, Working On A Dream, Seeds, Johnny 99. The Ghost Of Tom Joadssa Nils pääsee jälleen esittelemään kitaristin lahjojaan. Kylttejä kerätään Raise Your Handin alkutahtien lomassa, itse biisin aikana Bruce intoutuu kapuamaan Royn pianon päälle. Seuraavaa toiveplakaatia tuleekin sitten esittelemään lavalle jälleen bändin jälkikasvua eli noin 10-vuotias Clarencen poika roikottaa 25-vuotispäiväänsä viettävän Born In The USA levyn kansikuvaa, johon on kirjailtu toivebiisiksi I’m Going Down. Näin muutamat suomalaiset saivat BITUSA levyn livenä ”täyteen”.

Lisää kylttejä peliin ja Cadillac Ranch, Because The Night (johon en koskaan kyllästy) sekä italialaistuttavani Giorgion toivekyltti Wild Thing. Koskapa olen eturivissä ja keli on mitä on, muistiinpanot pakkaavat olemaan vähän mitä on, niin alun perin missasin seuraavaksi soitetun Waiting On A Sunny Dayn, jossa kovasti laulettiin ”I’m waiting, waiting on a sunny day. Gonna chase the clouds away, Waiting on a sunny day”, mutta ei siitä apua ollut, vettä satoi edelleen.

The Promised Landin jälkeen elokuvabiisi The Wrestler, jota ei Tampereella oltu soitettu. Jatkoa uudelta levyltä Kingdom Of Daysin muodossa ja sitten ne ”pakolliset” Lomesome Day ja The Rising. Suuri yleisö tuntuu pitävän biiseistä, minusta tässä paikassa voisi olla jotain muuta, no onneksi ei sentään enää Mary’s Placea. Varsinainen setti päättyy Born To Runiin ja bändi saapuu kumartamaan lavan eteen. Levittelen kylttiäni, mutta en huomannut, näkikö Jay sitä, keikan alkupuolella ainakin Soozie ja Steven näkivät sen.

Encoret käyntiin tuttuun malliin Hard Times biisillä, Bobby Jean, Land Of Hope And Dreams, American Land ja Glory Days jatkavat tismalleen samoille linjoilla kuin Tampereella. Paitsi, olenko jo sanonut että on satanut koko illan ;-) Keli on Tukholmassa niin kostea, että Bruce kaatuu perseelleen American Landin aikana hypätessään etulavalle ja makailee jonkun aikaa märällä lavalla hieman tuskaisen näköisenä. Glory Daysin aikana valittelee, ettei pysty enää jatkamaan, koska ”I broke my ass”. Taisi olla jopa hitunen totuutta asiassa ja lähellä oli, ettei kaatuessaan lyönyt päätään lavan reunaan. Onneksi näin ei käynyt. American Landissa oli oikein kolme haitaristia, kun Royn ja Charlien lisäkis lavalle oli saapunut hanuria levittelemään Amy Weinberg.

Sitten melkeinpä pakollinen biisi Ruotsissa eli ”Stadium Breaker” Twist and Shout. Tällä kertaa lyhyt version aiheesta ja sitten vuoroon illan viimeinen ”valssi” eli Dancing In The Dark. Yleisö lauloi innoissaan mukana ja pomppi tyytyväisenä maestron näyttäessä mallia. Bändi vielä kerran kumartamaan lavan etuosaan ja nyt oli sitten tosissaan yritettävä kylttini kera. Levitin sen jo hyvissä ajoin näkösälle ja muutaman kumarruksen jälkeen Jay kävi tuomassa kapulat minulle. Voitte uskoa, että olin todella onnellinen Niilon puolesta ja hetki oli melko tunteellinen ja lisää oli vielä seuraava…

Keikka ei pärjännyt Hesan 08 eikä Tampereenkaan keikalle, oma osansa oli tietysti kelilläkin. Yleisö tuntui olevan kyllä kybällä mukana heti keikan alusta asti, ainakin pitissä, mutta myös muuallakin katsomossa. Ja niin märkää oli keikalla, ettei joulukuusen muotoiset korvatulpat meinanneet pysyä korvissa, vaan niitä piti välillä kuivaille.

Keikan jälkeen ostin pari keikkapaitaa tuttaville ja Tapsa tarjosi aiemmin lupaamansa oluen, mutta oli niin kylmä, että kaljamuki tärisi kädessä aika pahasti ja suurin osa kaljasta läikkyi pitkin tannerta. Suunnistin kohti retkeilymajaa ja sain kiinni matkalla Evan, Jounin ja Samulin, meillä kaikilla oli majapaikka samalla suunnalla. Etsiskelimme jotain kuppilaa, josta saisi lämmintä juotavaa ja istumapaikan. Pitkällisen etsiskelyn jälkeen paikka löytyi ja Irish Coffee lämmitti mukavasti. Riku lähetti tekstiviestin ja kyseli sainko kapulat, screeniltä oli näkynyt jotain sen suuntaista. Vastasin huutaen, että sain. Hän kysäisi, haluaisinko nimmarin, sillä hän asui samassa hotellissa kuin bändi ja Jay oli läheisessä pöydässä. Vastasin että totta kai ja Niilolla kun sattui olemaan 11v synttärit juuri sinä päivänä ja hänelle kapulat merkistivät todella paljon. Jonkin ajan kuluttua tuli viesti, että tehtävä suoritettu. Seuraavana päivänä kuulin, ettei kyseessä ollutkaan pelkkä nimmari, vaan oikein kirje Niilolle. Kyllä oli pojalla ilo pinnassa, kun vein kapulat ja kirjeen reissun jälkeen hänelle, sillä hän ei tiennyt niistä ennalta mitään.

Soundcheck 16:48 – 17:10
Who’ll Stop The Rain
My Lucky Day

1. WHO'LL STOP THE RAIN? (http://www.expressen.tv/noje/Musiksomma" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... d-the-rain)
2. Badlands (http://www.expressen.tv/noje/musiksomma" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... gsteen-med.)
3. My Lucky Day! (http://www.expressen.tv/noje/musiksomma" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... ringsteen-.)
4. Prove It All Night
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Out In The Street
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. The Ghost of Tom Joad
11. Raise Your Hand
12. I'm Goin' Down
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Because The Night
15. Wild Thing
16. Waitin On A Sunny Day
17. The Promised Land
18. The Wrestler
19. Kingdom of Days
20. Lonesome Day
21. The Rising
22. Born To Run
23. Hard Times
24. Bobby Jean
25. Land of hope and dreams
26. American Land
27. Glory Days
28. Twist & Shout
29. Dancing In The Dark
22:52 => 2h 43 m

Perjantai 5.6.2009 Stockholm, Stadion

Toinen aamu Tukholmassa ja majapaikan vaihto, nyt vaihteeksi Scandic Continental rautatieaseman vieressä. Täällä on yöpynyt mm. The Beatles vuonna 1963 tiesi kertoa aulassa ollut taulu. Sää poutainen, mutta tuulinen ja kylmä. Lounastapaaminen Hard Rock Cafessa klo 13 Teemun, Kartsan ja Jounin kanssa. Hampurilaisateria ja yksi Staropramen, ruokaa sai odottaa todella pitkään. No, musiikki oli sentään aiheeseen sopivaa eli Brucea.

Eilistä vajavaista varustusta paikataksemme lähdimme etsimään kaupungilta pitkiä kalsareita, mutta eihän sellaisia edullisesti mistään löytynyt, Åhlensista hintaan 319 SEK => ei kiitos, näillä mennään. Metrolla stadionille, jonne saavuimme noin klo 16. Siitä vaan Lidingövägenin suuntaisen jonon jatkoksi ja noin klo 16.15 on ranteessa vihreä wristband. Jouni lähtee takaisin hotelliin elpymään, itse bongaan jonosta Tapsan ja Evan siitä ihan vierestä ja pienellä ovelalla siirrolla olen heidän kanssaan jonossa.

Soundcheck alkaa klo 16.30 sisältäen biisit
Downbound Train
Light Of Day
Detroit Medley
Seven Nights To Rock
Surprise, Surprise
Queen Of The Supermarket
Good Lovin
Tsekki kesti kokonaista 40 minuuttia ja lähettelin väliaikatietoja Heikille ja Jounille.

Melko pian soundcheckin päätyttyä porukat päästettiin sisään ja päädyimme Evan kanssa kaapelikourulle Clarencen ja Nilsin väliin noin 10 m eturivistä. Tilaa oli vielä istuskeluun ja odotusta edessä pari-kolme tuntia :-)

Keikka aloitettaan jo soundchekissä kuullulla Downbound Trainillä. Ei ihan niin tehokas aloitusbiisi kuin Badlands, vaikka kuuluukin meikäläisen suosikkibiiseihin Born In The USA-levyltä. Badlands jatkaa varmaa linjaa ja My Lucky Day, jonka soittamattomuutta en oikein ymmärrä, biisi on sopivan menevää matskua. Tuttu haikka-aloitus ja Candy’s Room ja seuraavaksi eeppinen Outlaw Pete ja vasta nyt kunnolla rekisteröin, että esim. Badlandsin aikana oli bändin takana olevalle videoscreenillä näytetty biisiin sopivia kuvia. Näitä en ollut huomannut Tampereella enkä edes edellisen illan keikalla. Myös Outlaw Petessä taustascreeniä käytettiin runsaasti, Bruce soitteli biisin alkuun jotain lännensarjan tunnaria. Darlington Countyn jälkeen jo tutut Working On A Dream, Seeds ja Johnny 99, joidenka taustakuvat huomasin vasta nyt ensimmäistä kertaa.

Nyt Kevin Buell, Bruce kitarateknikko, tuo Brucelle sunburst Telecasterin, jota olen nähnyt käytettävän vain Youngstown biisissä viime kiertueella ja sehän sieltä saadaan. Tämän biisin Nilsin soolopaikka toimii parhaiten, mies soittaa hyvin kasassa pysyvän soolon, aikaisemmin Because The Nightin ja The Ghost Of Tom Joadin sooloissa on ollut vähän ongelmana, että kaikki kikat pitää saada mahtumaan mukaan ja soolon ”juoni” on välillä vähän kadonnut. Sitten kerätään kylttejä ja saamme kuulle Good Lovin’in. Muita kylttitoiveita ovat Hungry Heart (jonka ohessa esitellään kyltit ”How’s your ass” ja ”Ass Looks Fine”, viitaten torstain pyllähdykseen”. Growin’ Up ja Thunder Road niin ikään kylttibiisejä ja varsinkin jälkimmäisessä yleisö on todella sekaisin. Alun perin Bruce näytti Jaylle ja bändille The E Street Shuffle –kylttiä, mutta Jayn ’hieman” kauhistunut ilme sai Brucen vaihtamaan sen Thunder Roadiin.

Sitten maailman ensi-ilta biisille Queen Of The Supermarket, jonka toivekylttinä toimi paperista taiteltu hattu, johon biisi oli kirjoitettu. Biisin aikana Bruce vei hatun pikkutytölle, joka jo edellisenä iltana oli laulanut Waiting On A Sunny Dayn kertosäkeistöä Brucen mikkiin. Mukava kuulla kertaalleen tämäkin biisi livenä, mutta ei sitä välttämättä useammin tarvitse kuulla, on se sen verran kamalaa huttua. Vakioisen The Promised Landin jälkeen onkin sitten vuorossa jotain aivan muuta (en nyt muista, oliko tämä toivekylttibiisi vai ei), mutta joka tapauksessa seuraavana Tukholman iltaan räjähti Lost In The Flood !!! Voi veljen, tämän biisin kuulemista livenä olen odottanut jo parisen vuosikymmentä. Biisistä esitettiin melko raskas version (samanlainen kuin Live In New York City –levyllä/DVDllä), sillä Jay on melko raskaskätinen rumpali. Ennen Tukholman keikkoja mietin toivebiisejäni ja lista oli : Lost In The Flood, Streets Of Fire, Something In The Night ja The Price You Pay. Tukholmaan kohdistui ennakkoon sikälikin kovat odotukset settilistojen suhteen, että samassa paikassa on kolme keikkaa peräkkäin, jolloin todennäköisyys harvinaisuuksiin on parempi kuin yksittäiskeikka kaupungeissa.

Jatkokin oli raskaskätistä menoa, Radio Nowhere jytisi tanakasti. Loppukeikka tuttujen ja puuduttavien Lonesome Day ja The Risingin merkeissä ja setin päätti normaali Born To Run. Kiertueen aikana encoret ovat olleet valitettavan arvattavia, niin nytkin. Edelliseltä illalta vaihtui vain Bobby Jean, jonka korvasi Tenth Avenue Freeze-out ja Twist & Shoutin Detroit Medley. Meno oli kyllä reipasta ja rempseää, mutta jotain ylläreitä olisi kaivattu.

Parempi keikka kuin ekan illan, osin johtuen paremmasta säästä : ei satanut vaikkakin oli melko kylmää, mutta yleisön joukossa oli ihan lämmintä ja sitten se Lost In The Flood ja lisäbonuksena Downbound Train. Keikan aikana Clarence näytti välillä oikein vanhalta ja ei kovinkaan hyvinvoivalta, kasvot olivat melko ”kalpeat”, liikkuminen lavalla oli vaivalloista ja vähäistä nykyään.

Intro: Idas Sommarvisa
1. Downbound Train
2. Badlands
3. My Lucky Day
4. Candy's Room
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Darlington County
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. Youngstown
11. Good Lovin
12. Hungry Heart (request)
13. Growin´Up (request)
14. Thunder Road (request)
16. Waitin´On A Sunny Day
17. The Promised Land
18. LOST IN THE FLOOD (request)
19. Radio Nowhere
20. Lonesome Day
21. The Rising
22. Born To Run
23. Hard Times
24. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
25. Land Of Hope And Dreams
26. American Land
27. Glory Days
28. Detroit Medley
29. Dancing In The Dark
23:07 => 2h 53 min

Lauantai 6.6.2009 Stockholm

Ruotsin kansallispäivä ja välipäivä eli ei keikkaa. Taas muutto, nyt kohteena Hotel Oden, Karlbergsvägen, Oden Planin vieressä. Tämä ylenmääräinen muuttaminen johtui siitä, että alun perin Tukholmaan oli ilmoitettu vain kaksi keikkaa ja varasin kahdeksi yöksi kahden hengen huoneen Grand Hotellista, yhteishintaan 9000 SEK. Sitten tuli myyntiin lisäkeikka sunnuntaille, mutta eihän Grandiin jäämistä talous olisi kestänyt, joten Hotel Oden tuli varattua joskus maaliskuussa. Matkapäivän lähestyessä taloudelliset realiteetit iskivät vastaan ja sain kuin sainkin hommattua kahdelle hengelle kohtuuhintaiset majapaikat kahdeksi ekaksi yöksi ja peruin Grandin varauksemme.

Ennen viimeiselle hotellille menoa keskustaan levyostoksille tai ainakin pläräysreissulle. Suuntana Sergeltorgetin Mega, mutta mitä ihmettä, eihän siellä mitään kauppaa enää ollut. Viereisestä kaupasta neuvoa kysyen meidät neuvottiin Mäster Samuelsgatanin Akademibokhandelnin lähettyville. Aluksi ei löydy mitään, mutta kun olemme jo lähdössä kohti hotellia, bongaan pienen liikkeen kadun toiselta puolen. Siinähän se on paljon pienemmissä tiloissa kuin aikaisemmin, kolmessa kerroksessa ja pelit / DVDt ovat vallanneet entistä enemmän tilaan CDltä. Tarttuu kuitenkin matkaan kaksi kappaletta uutta Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Greatest Hits (2009 limited tour edition) CDtä, joita ei hyllyssä ollut kuin yksi, toiseksi ostin heidän kuuntelukappaleensa, alennuksella tietenkin, olihan se ”käytetty” levy. Ja en sentään osta itselleni kahta kappaletta, vaan toisen lähetin USAan eräälle tutulleni. (Pikakelaus eteenpäin : tiistaina 23.6. löydän Porin Anttilasta vastaavan CDn digipackiin pakattuna eli nyt tuli hankittavaksi toinenkin kappale CDtä ja sellainen on lähetettävä myös tutulle Jenkkeihin ;-))

Hotellille päästyämme huomaamme olevamme huolestuttavan/houkuttelevan lähellä St. Eriksgatania ja sen lukuisia levydivareita. Eli pakkohan sinne on lähteä kiertämään noin kymmenkunta levykauppaa. Record Hunterista haaviin tarttuu Unpluggedin Euroopassa viime kesänä julkaistu japanilaisvinyylireplikaCD. Kyllä muutakin mielenkiintoista näkyi, mm. Plastic Ono Bandin : Live In Toronto alkuperäisvinyyli kalenterin kera 300 SEK
Brucen Darkness On The Edge Of Town japanilaisvinyyli vain 180 SEK
Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ UK CBSn koko oranssilla etiketillä 250 SEK jne.

Illalla oli suomalaisten Brucefanien tapaaminen, jossa paikalla oli saapunut noin 20-30 henkeä, osa jätti tapaamisen väliin jonottaessaan stadionilla seuraavan päivän keikalle… Ohjelmassa oli perinteistä virvokkeiden nautintaa, juttuja ja sattumuksia vuosien varsilta jne. Illan Ruotsi-Tanska MM-karsintapeliä lähti seuraamaan osa porukasta lähiravintolaan, joidenkin lähtiessä Grand Hotelin baariin stalkkaamaan bändiläisiä … ei kun siis katsomaan peliä ja juomaan olutta :-)

Sunnuntai 7.6.2009 Stockholm, Stadion

Menemme jonoon jo klo 14.25, jolloin paikalla on huomattavasti enemmän porukkaa kuin aikaisempina päivinä. Lidingövägenin jono on jo ”kiinni”, joten jäämme Valhallavägenin jonoon hieman epätietoisina, onko tämä jono saanut aikaisempina päivinä rannekkeet. Näin vakuuttavat järkkärit ja aiemmin samaa jonoa käyttäneet. Ilma on aurinkoinen ja suhteellisen lämminkin. Saamme rannekkeet klo 16.03 ja väri on tänään pinkki.

Soundcheck alkaa klo 16.41 ja soitetut biisit ovat :
Boom Boom
Fade Away (sisältäen alkutarinan)
Back In Your Arms
Surprise Surprise
Päättyy klo 17.10.

Sisällä pitissä noin puoli kuusi, ensin pikavisiitti bajamajaan. Palatessani pongaan Tapsan Soozien ja Stevenin mikkien välistä, muutama metri eturivistä, suunta siis sinne. Alussa oli mahdollisuus istua, jossain vaiheessa porukka nousee ylös ja rynnistää eteenpäin ja jos olet sopivasti ”hereillä”, saa paikkaansa parannettua ilman suurempaa tunkua ihan mukavasti. Tiivistyksen tapahduttua olemme jotain 10. rivissä sopivasti kahden etulavaulokkeen puolessa välissä.

Bändi astelee lavalle, viimeisenä normaalitapaan Bruce, mutta tällä kertaa yksin. Missä on Clarence??? Normaalisti hän on tullut lavalle yhdessä Brucen kanssa nousten ylös keskilavan portaita, mutta nyt hän tulee lavan sivulta vaivalloisesti kävellen. Keikka aloitetaan viime kiertueelta tutulla sovituksella No Surrenderistä. Nyt oman lisänsä biisiin tuo visuaalisella puolella bändin takana olevalla screenillä pyörivä kuvakollaasi bändistä vuosien varrelta, osan kuvista ollessa jostain 70-luvun alusta. Kuvia katsellessa tulee väistämättä mieleen kysymys siitä, onko tämä viimeinen kiertue E Street Bandin kanssa… Aina yhtä tehokas Badlands seuraavaksi, jota seuraa kelpo veto Nightistä. Tuplabiisit uudelta levyltä My Lucky Day ja Outlaw Pete, varsinkin ensimmäisestä alkaa kehkeytyä kelpo livebiisi.

Sitten siirrytäänkin ekalle levylle Spirit In The Nightin muodossa, jossa ei kuitenkaan yhtä paljon vuorovaikutusta yleisön kanssa kuin viime kiertueella. Vakio-osion biisit Working On A Dream, Seeds ja Johnny 99. Bruce antaa pois kitaransa ja kaivaa huuliharpun ja Steven käy hakemassa 12-kielisen mustan Takaminen ja saamme kuulla kiertuedebyytin The Riveristä ja Tukholman stadion on haltioissaan. Mukava kuulla tämä(kin) biisi livenä. Sitten kerätään kylttejä ja toiveista ensimmäisenä toteutetaan Mony Mony. Mukavaa kuulla tämäkin livenä, suomalaisittain olisi kertsissä voinut laulaa Muumi muumi, kuten Moog Konttinen Kontravirtasensa kanssa aikoinaan. Seuraavana toiveena Trapped, yes. Hyvä coveri tämäkin ja toimii kuin se kuuluisa junan vessa.

Mutta tämä oli vasta lämmittelyä siihen, mitä olimme kohta saava kuulla. Aivan vieressä olevalla ruotsalaishemmolla oli Fade Away –kyltti, jota Steven oli jo hieman aiemmin osoitellut ja Brucekin oli sen huomannut. Hän kertoili hieman Stevenin lempparibiisistä, jota ei oltu aikoihin soitettu. Kylttikaveri oli tässä vaiheessa laskenut kyltin ja kun Bruce oli kääntänyt selkänsä, Steven elehti kaverille, että nosta, nosta sitä kylttiä. Bruce haki kyltin ja aikansa sitä ihmeteltyään sanoi mm. ”The beast came out, he says !”. Muutamia tanssiliikeharjoituksia ennen biisin alkua ja sitten jo soundchekissä kuultu introkertomus, joka meni suunnilleen näin:

"I've gotta get my moves down, because this is a soul song.

Is there anybody out there that's ever felt the love they were having slipping away?
I mean it's not gone yet, but you can tell it's going. Have you ever felt a love that
you had slipping away? That's right ! And it's an ugly thing. You don't know what you
can do to fix it, probably nothing, you fucked up already. And so it's slipping away.

And so when it comes down to it, is there any man out there with too much pride
to peg to his woman? I only see two! I don't have that much pride when it comes
down I peg
I get on my knees and I peg for my woman.
'I say baby, don't you know that I'm sorry,
I say baby, don't you know that I didn't know what I was doing.
You know I
never never never never
never never never never
put a love like ours in jeopardy,
because I need you.'
And that's all about in the first two minutes of pegging,
it was two hours after that.
(nousee ylös)
That's right.
Take it to the fine, man"

Voihan voihan !!! Mikä versio biisistä, joka on viimeksi soitettu bändin kanssa vuonna -81. Täydellinen esitys aiheesta ja todella hyvin biisiin sopiva alkuosuus. Vetää aivan sanattomaksi !!! Vuonna 2005 Bruce veti saman biisin soolona Göteborgissa ja kaverini kuvasi sen digikameraansa videona. Siinä sitten juhannusaattona kameraansa räplätessään meni tuhoamaan videon ja hän siitä saanut kuulla minulta jälkikäteen muutaman kerran :-) Nyt onnistuin tallettamaan esityksen kännykän videokameralla ja en tuhonnut sitä, eli taas voi kaverille pistää pientä kuittia !

Seuraava toive on kirjaimellisesti paketti, jossa lukee Surprise, Surprise, uuden levyn poppia, jossa helisevät 12-kieliset kitarat, sillä edellisessä biisissä Stevenin soittaman 12-kielisen Takaminen lisäksi Bruce soittaa 12-kielistä Telecasteria. Ei livenä mikään pöllömpi poppibiisi, vaikka levyllä onkin aika kökkö. Seuraavassa biisissä Waiting On A Sunny Day kelpasi laulaa mukana, sillä nyt oli aurinkoinen keli :-) The Promised Land perushyvä veto, sitten Working On A Highway, jonka Bruce esitti keskimmäisellä ulokkeella, siis noin 3 m päässä meikäläisestä. Peruskeikan loppuun vauhdikas Radio Nowhere ja sitten ei mitkään
kaksi suosikkia ennen Born To Runia, jossa yleisö pääsee aina räpläämään Brucen Teleä väliosan päätteeksi.

Encoret aloitataan tavallisuudesta poikkeavasti Thunder Roadilla ja sehän sopii mainiosti. Sitten Bruce nappaa ainakin 3 metriä pitkän banderollin, jossa on printattuna bändiläisten kuvat ja sana Jungleland. Voe tokkiinsa, tämähän on oikea onnenpäivä. Tätä on jo kaivattukin. Clarence hoitaa fonisoolon oikein mallikkaasti ja muutenkin oikein mainio esitys. Perään vakioiset Land Of Hope And Dreams sekä American Land, joista jälkimmäisessä taas hanurivieraana Amy Weinberg. Lavalle tuodaan kyltti, jossa lukee Ramrod ja pääsemme rokkaamaan tämän yksinkertaisen rokkibiisin tahdissa.

Ilta lähenee loppuaan ja yleisöä pomputetaan Dancing In The Darkin tahtiin ja sitten onkin vuorossa illan viimeinen veto, joka on aika odotetusti ”Stadium Breaker” = Twist & Shout.
Paras kolmesta keikasta, mennen ohi Tampereen keikan sekä Tukholman kakkosen. Bändi soitti hyvin, erityismaininnan ansaitsee vasta 18-vuotias Jay Weinberg, joka klaarasi hommat todella hyvin. Nuorukaisella on isäänsä hevimpi ote hommaan, joka tuo uudenlaista energiaa vuosikymmeniä tahkottuihin biiseihin. Ehkä muutama oudompi vanha biisi, esimerkkinä The E Street Shuffle, jäi soittamatta hänen takiaan, mutta ei se haittaa, hänen tuomansa energiaa on mukava seurata koko bändissä.

Keikan jälkeen kävin Paulan ja Rikun hotellilla hakemassa Jayn Niilolle kirjoittaman kirjeen.

Intro: Idas Sommarvisa
1. No Surrender
2. Badlands
3. Night
4. My Lucky Day
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
10. The River
11. Mony Mony
12. Trapped
13. Fade Away
14. Surprise, Surprise
15. Waiting On A Sunny Day
16. The Promised Land
17. Working On The Highway
18. Radio Nowhere
19. Lonesome Day
20. The Rising
21. Born To Run
22. Thunder Road
23. Jungleland
24. Land Of Hope And Dreams
25. American Land
26. Ramrod
27. Dancing In The Dark
28. Twist And Shout
23:17 => 3h 2 min

Kolmella keikalla soitettiin yhteensä 86 biisiä, joista 53 eri biisiä.

Selkä oli vielä kolme viikkoa keikkojen jälkeen kipeänä liiallisesta seisomisesta huonoissa jalkineissa :-(

Paluumatka laivalla Tukholma - Turku sujui keikkafiilinkejä vertaillessa, sillä laivalla oli hyvä foorumiedustus paikalla.
"I believe in the love that you gave me
I believe in the faith that can save me
I believe in the hope and I pray that some day
it may raise me above these Badlands"
Drive All Night
Viestit: 1980
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:57
Paikkakunta: Stadi

Re: Tukholma 4., 5. ja 7.6.2009

Viesti Kirjoittaja KaSTown »

Todettakoot, että jostain hotellista tai matkalta näin lämpötilat eri päivinä ja tosiaan 4.6. lämpötila oli huikeat +6 ja luulin ettei sateesta olisi haittaa katsomossa, mutta kun joku välkky ilmeisesti ruotsalainen arkkitehti oli päättänyt laittaa alimmat rivit katsomon kattauksen eteen, niin koko keikka meni kertakäyttösadetakissa. Ja seuraavana päivänä olikin sitten reilut 37C lämpöä, mikä johti apteekkireissuun ja koko päivän lepoon hotellissa.

Anyway 5.6. illalla olin kuitenkin taas valmis, nyt lämpöä oli +9 eli selvää parannusta, varsinkaan kun ei satanut.

6.6. oli foorumitapaaminen, joka loppui käytännössä heti kun tuli paikalle (kiitti vaan ;) ja ajaiduin Rikun, Paulan, Heikin, Ranen, Jyrkin? ja muutaman muun kanssa safkalle. Mikäs siinä ihan mukava ilta.

7.6. lämpötila oliko jo ruhtinaallisesti ylittänyt 10C rajan, taisi 11C. Ilma senkuin parani. Vielä kun olisi ollut muutama konsertti lisää, niin oltaisiin varmaan päästy hellelukemiin.

Mukava matka, konsertit hyviä, mutta selkeästi näki, että kiertue oli vasta aluillaan ja sellaista normaalin loppukiertueen riehakkuutta ei ollut ilmassa.

Vastaa Viestiin