22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Keskustelua vuoden 2016 kiertueesta
Prove It All Night
Viestit: 3191
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:31
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja mrk »

Eiköhän siinä kiteydy artistiin vähemmän perehtyneen kaljaakantavan kansanosan mielipide keskivertokeikasta aika hyvin.
Mr. Mercury
Viestit: 2701
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:52
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja shannoon »

Nalle on ottanut vissiin muutaman oluen liikaa kun on Pattinkin nähny lavalla :)
"Who will save you from the truth of the matter
that your love, though like gold, is gone?
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 153
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 17:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kirsberry »

Tinna kirjoitti:Aivan super keikka! Siihen aidan taaksehan me sitten päästiin ja mikäs siinä, screeniltä näkyi tosi hyvin ja juoksihan Bruce ja Jake siitä ohikin! Mahtavia biisejä kuultiin ja Elämys tämä oli tyttärellekin. Kotimatka stadionilta hotellille otti jo pienen itkun verran voimille, mutta niin vaan siitäki selvittiin. Kiitos ❤
Kiitos jonotus-ja "aitaseurasta", Tinna ja tytär. Erityisesti minulla kävi sydänlihakseen tuo River ja Point Blankin tunnelma; se raapaisi niin voimalla, että silmät eivät pysyneet kuivina. Oliko se kaiken odotuksen ja jännityksen tunnelataus vai oliko ilmassa jotain muutakin? Se sama fiilis tuli lopun Thunder Roadissa. Huomasiko kukaan muu?
Growin' Up
Viestit: 87
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 14:18

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Marja »

Tykkäsin paljon keikasta! Settilista toimi hyvin, Point Blank biisi oli kyllä sykähdyttävä! Hieman haikea fiilis jäi... Nyt kohti Göteboria, pittinroa metsästämään!
Growin' Up
Viestit: 77
Liittynyt: 21.01.2013 8:52

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tinna »

Kirsberry kirjoitti:Oliko se kaiken odotuksen ja jännityksen tunnelataus vai oliko ilmassa jotain muutakin? Se sama fiilis tuli lopun Thunder Roadissa. Huomasiko kukaan muu?
Kiitos samoin teille!! Oli jotain muuta munkin mielestä...spirittiä..surumielisyyttä? Itse mietin siinä Tenth A:n muistelupätkällä, että jäähyväisiä jätetään. Siinä ei muisteltu pelkästään Big Mania ja Dannyä.
My nerves all jumpin' actin' like a fool
Growin' Up
Viestit: 87
Liittynyt: 01.12.2015 19:34

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jukka69 »

Soundista vielä sen verran, että ilmeisesti vaihteli kuuntelupaikan mukaan aika paljon. En minäkään Garryn bassottelua pystynyt seuraamaan kuin rintalastalla. Laulu ja kitarasoolot erottuivat ihan ok. Muistan parhaat soundit keikoilla olleen silloin kun kaapit olivat vielä talon korkuiset. Brucen tapaukseen liittyen kohdallani 1988 ja 1993.
Born To Run
Viestit: 41
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:18
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja candysroom »

Tinna kirjoitti:
Kirsberry kirjoitti:Oliko se kaiken odotuksen ja jännityksen tunnelataus vai oliko ilmassa jotain muutakin? Se sama fiilis tuli lopun Thunder Roadissa. Huomasiko kukaan muu?
Kiitos samoin teille!! Oli jotain muuta munkin mielestä...spirittiä..surumielisyyttä? Itse mietin siinä Tenth A:n muistelupätkällä, että jäähyväisiä jätetään. Siinä ei muisteltu pelkästään Big Mania ja Dannyä.
Hieno ja tunteisiin käynyt keikka. Itsellä oli kohokohtana upea Point Blank. Lisäksi I'm on fire, jota en ole aikaisemmin livenä onnistunut kuulemaan. Perheen kanssa istuimme piippuhyllyllä lavaa vastapäätä, kaukana kaikesta mutta hyvän kokonaiskuvan siellä sai.
Thunder Roadin jälkeen Bruce vaikutti hyvin liikuttuneelta, katseli ja kiitti yleisöä kumartaen kolmeen suuntaan. Loi vielä silmäyksen kaikkeen, niin kuin haluaisi muistaa sen.. Eikä tullut lopuksi että nähdään vielä.
Omassa keikkakalenterissa on vielä jäljellä Zurichin keikka.
Tonight in Jungleland
Born To Run
Viestit: 19
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 17:24

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rita »

Loistava keikka mielestäni.
Oma paikka myös takana piippuhyllyllä, jossa tunnelmaa kyllä haittasi kaljaa kittaavat kanssakatsojat, joiden "ensimmäinen 2,5 tuntia" siis juotiin kaksin käsin (siis kirjaimellisesti, eikä voitu siis edes taputtaa käsiä yhteen) ja kun myynti kai lopetettiin keikan lähentyessä loppua, saatiin vähän eloa katsomoon... Taisi olla viimeinen kerta kun Tanskaan taidan keikalle haluta...
Mutta muuten paikkana aika toimiva, sisähallifiilis, joka aina luo oman tunnelmansa. Ja keikkana loistava, muutamia ihan helmibiisivalintoja minun makuun 8-)
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Bruce Springsteen at Telia Parken Stadium, Denmark, Wednesday June 22th, 2016
Take me to the River

Tegel, what a sad excuse for the main airport of a big city but today it doesn't feel too lousy as I'm on my way from Berlin to Copenhagen to see another Bruce Springsteen show! Quickly to Parken stadium to get a pit (FOS) queue number, I hope they are still in two digit numbers - and they are, I'm now number 58! As I was 53 in Berlin, all the queue running guys had to do was to turn that three into an eight. Hear me Samuel and Nick, this means front row again for us three, yay! The guys don't care too much as they are just xeroxes on my Jackson Cage sign, but I have to share this with somebody immediately.

At next roll call I meet Wendy and MarQ, and soon also Hanne arrives. I have time to spend here, but as my legs are still tired after Berlin and it also rains every now and then, I don't do much sightseeing but I just arrive in time to roll calls and hang in Facebook in my hotel. I managed to write most of the Berlin raport (and finished it while already sitting in the Parken pit on Wednesday night). But why oh why my hotel has to be this far from Parken, what on earth I was thinking when booking it? (Well I actually know, it was the only cheap hotel with free rooms within what somebody in a very good shape might call a "walking distance".)

Show day, and what a beautiful weather! Just lazy hanging around outside Parken, finding food, trying to find the missing toilets and meeting friends with GA tickets. Danes run the queue very smoothly and unlike in Germany, all info was first told in English. Sound check was again first just taped music, mainly Ties, mut then there was a live part which included at least Shackled, Rendezvous (!), Boom Boom (!!!) and WTCOOO. That Rendezvous, they probably will start with that!

There was the normal hassle about when and if anything was going to happen, but finally the gates opened. Unlike in Berlin where we could take inside everything we could carry (and their grandma), now all bottles and food are strictly forbitten. Ok, no water for me this time then. But we are indoors as the stadium roof is closed, and so sun won't shine on us. The pit is also so sparsely populated at first that it is easy to go and grab some food or drink, while others are taking care of your spot.

This time my spot was at the front rail, just on the further side of Garry. in Berlin I was on left side and already there I decided that if it is just possible, now I want to be on the Steve's side to be see better what happens there, and also it would be nice to get a place little closer to the center of the stage than that outer catwalk. Also this time Garry and his basses, especially that Gretsch looking one really lured me here. Garry is so handsome in his new beard and sun glasses, and I love it that he has his own mic stand this time and he really sings, too. Other Finns went tonight to the spot where I was during the Berlin show, to the short catwalk at Nils' side and I'm surrounded by just super nice Danes. But that's ok, I had time to sit and write the Berlin show review and chat with folks around me.

Show time is here, light men climb but nothing else happens, why does it take time? Yes, finally the E Street Band is here! And they start with... oh, this is Out in the Street and not Rendezvous? Well, it is a nice song but kind of too familiar isn't it? At least when compared with some previous show starters. Badlands, another excellent but too familiar tune, but what now, Bruce goes down and gets a cardboard sign from the audience and launches Caddy Ranch, YES! Just play any rocking Cadillac song and you just totally got me. Now I dare to look closer at the big screens and lo, Bruce doesn't look at all tired, but the face I see belongs to happy and mischievous Bruce. And he was already more or less running when getting that sign, and so today is a good day for him. That naturally means a good day for all of us too!

Rendezvous was the 4th number today, and I had never heard of that song before. It is a good one and should be on the set lists more often. Probably a good choice not to start with it anyway but play some more familiar tunes first to win over the immense part of the audience which owns just his Greatest Hits collection. After Sherry Darling Bruce goes to the middle catwalk and picks up another request, Blinded! After a false start they found the correct key and the rest of the song goes very smoothly, although it was another tour premiere and clearly not rehearsed at all during the last 3 years. After Spirit yet another request, WTCOOO, again a tour premiere. Bruce had clearly decided to play this anyway as it was sound checked, but this is another nice example of him wanting to please the crowd and act as it was a spontaneous request. Picking that sign really made someone super happy!

During funny Hungry Heart Bruce walks around the pit in the narrow corridor between the rails separating pit and GA floor. Both security guys, Graham and Tony, follow very close to him, ready to open any too tightly clasping hands, as there always are some who don't understand that they are hurting Bruce. The front pit audience is normally very polite when touching, but one never knows about these folks further back. Jake is also called between the rails, and he obeys and runs there with his sax. When on the further side, I actually see Jake better than in Berlin, as he spends most of the show in back row, where the horn section used to be, and comes front just to blow solos and sometimes to sing in the same mic as Soozie. He looks more adult now than during the last two tours. That moonwalking, shyly smiling kiddo stand there on his own ground now with a straight back. He actually is starting to show some of the majectic presence his late uncle Clarence always had.

Bruce goes and gets yet a fourth request, a huge cardboard saying something like "3 generations drove here in their pink cadillac to dance in the dark", says that it is not yet time to dance but that they haven't done this song for a long time and yes, it is time for Pink Cadillac! Bruce, you already had me at Cadillac Ranch, and now my knees start to feel weak. Totally your fault if I faint or anything while I sing and dance! Stage is lit mainly in pink right now, like it naturally has to be during this song.

The "best part" of the show was now mainly over, and with You Can Look the setlist started following closer to the list we heard in Berlin. But not a big deal after so many different songs (9 songs were played tonigt which were not played in Berlin, and 4 of them were tour premieres). Especially as You Can Look is so funny with Bruce and Steve singing to the same mic and Steve saying his own comments between Bruce's lines.

The River starts like normally, but the end is very different when Bruce lets the audience sing some of the mmm-mmm-mmm parts. This audience sings much better than the German audience in Berlin and seems to be very active in waving hands too. In Berlin Bruce addressed the seats and got everyone to stand quite easily, but here he lets audience take part in any way they themselves want, which might mean more sitting but singing is very good. And the little lights! As we have a roof here, the stadium is darker than in Berlin and during The River lights start to shine totally spontaneously from cell phones and other devices. Lucky I had my tiny flashlight with me. But oh my, how beautiful this is! Uh huh, did I remember to pack enough tissues with me, as my eyes are suddenly totally turning all wet? The nice Danish lady behind me hugs me while I cry.

While the mood is still peaceful and sad after this beautiful River, Roy Bittan launches a wonderful and long piano intro, which soon turns into a wonderful and totally perfect Point Blank. Oh, how well it suits to this mood and how beautiful it is. This moody feeling is completed with Atlantic City, after which a heavy Murder Inc turns the audience again into a more rocking mood (and probably wakes up the ones which don't like too slow songs, luckily I didn't see or hear any of them here in front).

During The Promised Land Bruce again walks along the front rails and so does Steve too! Or was it during another song? Somewhere here it anyway happened, and Steve doesn't normally get this close to the audience! Darlington County sends Bruce to one of the shorter catwalks, and when he calls Nils there, he is on his knees in front of some front line girls and just shoves the mic to Nils over his shoulder and makes him sing several lines! Nils obeys for a while and then begs his Boss man to continue singing so that he can just play guitar. Haha, funny!

During Waiting on a Sunny Day Bruce picks up a very short lady to sing the kid's lines and they also dance on the stage! She really seemed to have fun up there in the spot lights, and she could also sing quite well, what an excellent choice for a "kid" tonight! Beautiful I'm on Fire with most of the stade all dark and with just one red/purple lights. Because the Night, The Rising,and again the phone fireflyes are burning all over (now the Danish lady behind me is weeping and it is my turn to hug her) and then LOHAD ends the main set.

BitUSA starts the encores and now it is better than in Berlin. Well, probably the song itself is more or less similar, but this strong song needs a place like this, a show starter or an encore starter. Hmm, hall lights are all on (were they on for all of the encores?) and in Berlin they weren't , as I remember how finely Max's drums were lighted in pale blue during his drum solo in the end. No such lights tonight. It is followed by a very strong BtR, and it is fine to listen how the audience takes part in it by singing. Glody Days is another singalong.

Seven Nights sends everyone dancing, and tonight nobody is telling me to dance nicer and not touch other people as this is happier and tougher audience than in Germany! DitD, and an older lady under a sign "Dance with my MOM" is the dancing partner tonight. She dances so graciously and happily kisses Bruce at least twice! 10th Ave and we'll see the photo cavalcade of Big Man and Danny again. Shout turns much longer than normally as Bruce wants to work the audience and clearly enjoys seeing the hands shooting up in unison and all folks jumping during woo-oo-oo parts. (I know I will regret this very soon, but now it is really time to have a sweaty workout. It does good to me.)

Has acoustic solo version of Thunder Road ever sounded this lonely and sad? Is this really a final farewell? Sadly it now starts to feel that this really is. Perhaps not a goodbye to all shows, but very likely this is the last time we will ever see ESB in Denmark and in Europe. After Bruce finally leaves the stage, it takes me a while to gather myself before I can go and find some other Finns with whom we start slowly walking back to our hotels little before midnight.

This show was really superior to the Berlin show, which was said to be much better than Munich show. This probably means good for the folks who are going to see the two shows in Sweden just during Midsummer weekend, while I travel back to home. For me this luckily wasn't the final curtain yet, as I still have a ticket to the third Ullevi show in Gothenburg, Sweden in four weeks or so. But hey you guys who haven't bought any tickets to this tour for some bad reasons, think about it again and go, if you just can. (But ouch ouch ouch, jumping so hard during Shout doesn't seem a too brilliant idea any more when I slowly limp towards my distant hotel...)


Out in the Street
Cadillac Ranch (request)
Rendezvous (tour premiere)
Sherry Darling
Blinded by the Light (request, tour premiere)
Spirit in the Night
We Take Care of Our Own (request, tour premiere)
Hungry Heart
Pink Cadillac (request, tour premiere)
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
Death to My Hometown
The River
Point Blank
Atlantic City
Murder Incorporated
The Promised Land
Working on a Highway
Darlington County
Waiting on a Sunny Day
I'm on Fire
Because the Night
The Rising
Land of Hope and Dreams
Born in the U.S.A.
Born to Run
Glory Days
Seven Nights to Rock
Dancing in the Dark
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
Thunder Road (solo acoustic)

3hrs 16mins
Growin' Up
Viestit: 76
Liittynyt: 21.04.2013 11:58

Re: 22.6.2016 - Kööpenhamina, DEN (Parken Stadium)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Hansu »

^Hienosti Liisa olet saanut koottua keikan, ihan samat tunnelmat oli mullakin. Kiitos seurasta roll calleissa, kuten muillekkin suomalaisille!
Vastaa Viestiin