Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Tuoreet lehtijutut, nettijutut, tv-esiintymiset ym.
Mr Tongue Twister
Viestit: 3042
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 14:05
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Bowmore »

Rolling Stone listasi aiemmin myös:

7. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band – Super Bowl XLIII (2009)

Bruce Springsteen went all out for his 2009 halftime show, busting out classics from "Born to Run" to "Glory Days" with the E Street Band. But let's not kid ourselves: for many (if not most) viewers, this performance was all about Bruce's crotch slide. The next day, the Internet was teeming with animated GIFs showing his collision with a camera during "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out."
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
Lucky Man
Viestit: 307
Liittynyt: 11.02.2014 13:03
Paikkakunta: Berliini/Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja flowingki »

Varietyn kertoman mukaan Bruce on kynäillyt jälleen elokuvamusiikkia. Uusi biisi “Addicted to Romance“ soi Berliinin elokuvajuhlien avajaiselokuvassa She Came to Me…

Linkki Varietyn artikkeliin:

https://variety.com/2023/film/global/br ... 235521352/
"...Where we swore forever friends
On the backstreets until the end ..."
Mr Tongue Twister
Viestit: 3042
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 14:05
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Bowmore »

Lehtijuttu teemana Brucen kitaristi:
https://kslx.com/little-steven-sends-ma ... es-cancer/
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
Mr. Collector
Viestit: 5479
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 14:38

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja jjvirta »

CBS Sunday Morning
Bruce Springsteen on his landmark album Nebraska
"I believe in the love that you gave me
I believe in the faith that can save me
I believe in the hope and I pray that some day
it may raise me above these Badlands"
Downbound Train
Viestit: 1368
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:27

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Janey »

Ferraran-keikka ylitti uutiskynnyksen äskeisessä Ylen pääuutislähetyksessä Italian tulvia koskevassa jutussa. Luulin näkeväni harhoja, kun kuva tulvivasta kadusta vaihtui yhtäkkiä lavalle nousevaan Bruceen.

Edit: Ja tässä vielä uutinen samasta aiheesta yle.fi:ssä: https://yle.fi/a/74-20032627
It's Bo... boycott time!
Mr Tongue Twister
Viestit: 3042
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 14:05
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Bowmore »

Vai että No surrender soitettiin sen vuoksi.
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
Jukka K
Lucky Man
Viestit: 260
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 11:09
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jukka K »

Bowmore kirjoitti: 19.05.2023 23:10 Vai että No surrender soitettiin sen vuoksi.
Amerikkalaista solidaarisuutta riittää sit tänä kesä pitkin Eurooppaa enemmän kuin vaikka 1944-1945. Voi olla että esim. ruotsalaiset Ullevin kolmosen katsomossa ja THLn jengikin kaipais jo Brucelta vähän muunlaista solidaarisuutta siinä vaiheessa kesää kuin sen No surrenderin taas kerran.
Mr. BruusTone
Viestit: 2589
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 0:19

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja rane »

Tässä knoppitietolaariin (pöllitty FBstä)


ANSWER: Bruce had more than one nickname. The nicknames I know of are:

Bruce was called ‘Springy’ at the time he went to dance-evenings at the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) where he did the moves from dances like the Monkey, the Twist, the Swim, the Jerk and the Mashed Potatoes🥔 that he had practiced in his bedroom.

“My cousin's ex-girlfriend is Bruce's age and used to hang out with his group of friends at the Shore. She said they called him "Rickets" because he was so skinny. Sounds about right.” - thanks to Twyla Meding.

As far as I know this nickname had something to do with him drafted for the US Army to serve his country in the Vietnam War.
Bruce was called for the draft when he was 19, Bruce failed the physical examination and avoided service in the Vietnam War. He had suffered a concussion in a motorcycle accident when he was 17, and this, together with his "crazy" behavior at induction, made him unacceptable for service.“

4. “DR. ZOOM”
In 1971 during the short period that he had created a band called Dr. Zoom & The Sonic Boom. The band was formed to get a gig, opening for The Allman Brothers.
DR. ZOOM AND THE SONIC BOOM on 1971-05-14 at The Sunshine In, Asbury Park, NJ.
Photo @ Sherle Tallent

Here’s a special note from “Fifi” Killian about Bruce’s eating habbits in 1971. He lived at a house with her and her husband Lewis Longo in Highlands, NJ at the time:
“When Bruce lived at Lewie’s he ate Skippy peanut butter, Ritz crackers, and drank Pepsi in the cans. If one of those three items wasn’t there, his girlfriend Pammie (Pamela J. Bracken; Note: she had a dorm mate from Akron named Chrissie Hynde!!) would ride out and bring in some of it for him. She also made him white bread sandwiches of Velveta cheese, iceberg lettuce, mayo. So now all of you can have replica Brucie picnics, and eate what he ate? Always with Pepsi, never Coke. I think Bruce, who was called “BRUCIE” at this time, rationed his “Ritzies” so he wouldn’t run out until he got payed again for doing music. He is a year older so he was a good big brother for me.” See the pictures @ Lewis Longo.

According to Peter Carling as he wrote in his book “Bruce”, Bruce gave himself the name because, according to this account, the band and other people used to play these high-stakes games of Monopoly in Asbury Park each week. It was a monopoly game that had the added dimension of alliances, bribes, negotiations and settlements between turns. And there was a lot of bribing with candy and Ring Dings - Gut Bombs. Bruce was good at this game, they started calling him ‘Gut Bomb King’.
Photo: “Dr. Zoom” at the monopoly table.
Photo@ Sherle Tallent

In the opening line of “Tenth Avenue Freeze Out”: “Teardrops on the city Bad Scooter searching for his groove" refers to himself as Bad Scooter. Note the initials are the same. In my opinion not a real nickname.

In the documentary ‘Glory Days’ Dutch singer/songwriter Guus Meeuwis travels with his best friend, actor Frank Lammers, through Bruce Springsteen's America. The goal of their journey: to understand the music, lyrics and influences of the rock singer.
In one episode they talked with Vini ‘Mad Dog’ Lopez. He told that in the early 70’s Bruce was called “THE BARON”. See the screenshot with Vini. The subtitles are in Dutch. They say: “He was The Baron” - Vini. “ Nice that The Boss was The Baron” - Frank Lammers.
31.07.2012 - when Helsinki turned to Heavenski
John Henry
Born To Run
Viestit: 38
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:51

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja John Henry »

David Sancious, original E Street Band keyboardist, says Bruce Springsteen has recorded a follow-up to last year’s soul and R&B covers album, Only The Strong Survive, and will likely be touring it next year. Speaking in the new issue of MOJO, on sale next Tuesday (June 20), David Sancious revealed that he’d been in the studio with Springsteen working on 18 covers.
“I’ve just worked on Bruce’s sequel to Only The Strong Survive. He’s got 18 more covers of Motown and classic R&B,” Sancious told MOJO’s Martin Aston. “And next year, I should be touring the album with Bruce.”

"But that only makes talk of a new boxset all the more intriguing. He's been dropping hints that later this year he'll release a massive compilation of five unreleased albums he recorded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This is generally regarded as his least productive era - with only three studio albums, a single-disc greatest hits (that omitted way too many of his greatest hits) and the Tracks boxset before finally re-uniting with the E Street Band. This new collection potentially re-defines that decade, recasting Springsteen as a secret studio auteur. While some of these songs feature a full band, he concocted most of them in his garage studio, tinkering with drum loops and synthesisers."

Mellencampin uudelta levyltä Brucen kynäilemä Perfect World:
We're runnin' now but darlin' we will stand in time
To face the ties that bind
Mr Tongue Twister
Viestit: 3042
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 14:05
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Lehtijuttuja ja sensemmoisia (teemana Bruce)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Bowmore »

He should absolutely not tinker with drum loops and synths, IMO.
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
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